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Soldier's Best Friend
We are devoted to helping our veterans and the pet overpopulation problem.
Once a veteran is accepted into our training program, they will be paired with a dog adopted by our nonprofit from a local shelter or with a dog already owned by the veteran. They will live and train together from that point forward.
Training is comprised of private and group sessions (2) two days a week for a minimum of (6) six months to (9) months.
We have training locations in:
Sierra Vista
Training includes basic obedience, public outings and tasks specific to each veteran's PTSD or TBI symptoms. Once the dog is fully trained in all of these skills, it will be qualified as a Service Dog or classified a Therapeutic Companion Dog.
We are now accepting applications to consider your placement with a Service Dog or Therapeutic Companion Dog.
All placement and training fees are at no cost to an eligible veteran. The veteran will be responsible for transportation and housing costs (if needed).
All funding for Soldier’s Best Friend is from charitable donations. Please help our cause and donate today.
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